Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Register My Alarm

*Do not Register Your Alarm if you received a letter from us. Please use the login credentials provided on the notice and login on the My Account page.

Permits are valid for one calendar year: January 1—December 31, regardless of when obtained

New Residential Alarm Permit $61.00 

New Commercial Alarm Permit $61.00 

Annual Renewal of Residential or Commercial Permit.    $30.00 

Alarm User Awareness Class $96.00 

5% penalty added to all permit registrations and false alarm invoices 45 days past due.

Renewal Fee Amount Due By December 31st  - $30.00
If Postmarked After January 1st, late fee of $100 will be added

New Fee Schedule Effective.   July 1, 2024

Please pay past due amount by the indicated date. If no payment is received, your account can be turned over to a collection agency and your credit would be affected.

If you need assistance or would like to register over the phone please contact us at (888) 865-9770.

Alarm System
Alarm Location Address
Alarm Billing Address
Additional Alarm Information
Firearms at Location?
Fire Alarm Installed at Location?
Pets on Premises?
Pet Location
Emergency Contact
